10 Funny Amazon and Ebay comments

Amazon and Ebay are the most famous online shopping websites. You can buy the items as well as you can sell your products online. Ebay offers an electric range of deals which can include appliances, furnishings, computers, equipment and many other miscellaneous items. Amazon offer’s a shiny and new selection of items. The list includes books, CD’s, DVD’s, jewelry, kitchen items, tools, toys and games, personal care items, beauty products and much more. Because of the large range of items Amazon is more famous and liked by the users as compared to Ebay. Anyone can enjoy online buying and selling just by creating an account on these sites. The feedback for both these sites goes on. Both positive and negative feedback is acceptable depending on the personal choice of the users. We have some funny comments about Amazon and Ebay that will give you a good a laugh.



1) Tuscan Whole Milk
Once upon a mid-day sunny, while I savored Nuts 'N Honey, with my Tuscan Whole Milk, I swore ‘Bad condensor, that,' I muttered, 'vibrating the icebox door - Only this, and nothing more.'


2) I was once told that HOTDOGS are the foods of CHAMPIONS. Then I tripped and fell


3) Baby Items 
I think that every mother has different products they consider “must-haves,” So I want to preface our lists by saying that every family — and every baby — is different, and while one product may work wonders for one family.


4) You items carry HARMFUL DISEASES and VIRUSES. I think. I'm pretty sure. RARE!


5) The Mountain Three Wolf Moon Short Sleeve Tee
This item has wolves on it which makes it intrinsically sweet and worth 5 stars by itself, but once I tried it on, that's when the magic happened.


6) Wow! This has to be the ROUNDEST coin I've EVER seen! Quite impressed. Thanks.


7) Fresh Whole Rabbit
I ordered one of these Fresh "Whole" Rabbits, but when it arrived its head, fur and insides were missing. Not exactly whole, I'd say! Maybe it was just damaged during shipping, but I won't be buying another one.


8) The leg braces work GREAT—I wear then to work so no one has the guts to fire me.


9) Tommy
Tom Jones new album is exceptionally bad. Instead of crooning and singing the good songs he is shouting and coughing and also the accompany musicians make a lot of noise.


10) Box you sent was FULL of BEES—little Timmy spent his 8th B-day in the hospital!

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NerBrocaBal wrote:

Tres intiresno, gracias
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