Funnp Misc

Funny Inappropriate, Naughty and Stupid Riddles
Riddles are such interesting questions that look like a puzzle and usually have double meanings. Today, the trend of solving riddles has become a favorite activity of not only youngsters, but also of...
Funny Flower Shop and Perfume Names
Flowers are true gift of nature. The heartiest way to greet someone is presenting flowers. Most of the people buy flowers with their significant meanings. For patients, bouquet is a symbol health and...
Funny Supermarket, Hair Salon and Barbershop Names
Super market is the best place for which word super is perfect. All in one place is also best for understanding its purpose. It is a huge departmental store from where everyone can take benefits. In...
Funny Beer Pong Team Names
Beer pong is played in parties and bars. This game has no specific rules, played among two teams and a drinking contest is held.  For playing this game simple equipments are used. The players...
Funny Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers
Trivia questions and answers, as you know, reflect the concept of basic knowledge about different fields of life. In fact, people felt the need of trivia questions and answers at that time, when they...
15 Funny Baby Names for Boys and Girls
It is the greatest wish of every parent to have a unique name of their baby. Finding a something different from usually is a bit difficult work for them. They read book, name dictionaries and websites...
13 Funny Names for Construction Companies and...
The concept of building structure immediately gives us idea of the constructer. In fact no house or tower can stand without a builder. In olden times people normally used to design their houses...
10 Funny Dentist, Lawyer, Political Party and Law...
Dental decay is very common disease among children and elders. Dental health organizations give awareness through many programs. These messages consist of dental hygiene and prevention of cavity....
12 Funny Trophy and License Plate Names
Trophies are a kind of rewards for the winning teams. Every team makes efforts for the success in order to get it. In ancient Greeks, it was used as a symbol of victory in the battle field during...
11 Funny T Shirt Names
Men have rich collection of shirts for different occasions. For instance they cannot ware dress shirt in the golf club, polo shirt will look awkward at dinner. It is only because there are many types...