Funnp Misc

11 Funny Team Names List for Trivia
Trivia is an online quiz show. You are different questions and you have answer. Don’t confuse about these queries, trivial questions are always difficult to answer. It an IQ test and the results...
9 Funny Waffle Ball Team Names
Waffle ball is an outdoor base ball style game. This game is full of fun, shout and clapping. Take a plastic bat and a ball now you are on your way to play waffle with family in the back yard. Only...
12 Funny Walking Team Names
The only concept in our mind for walk is dieting which is only a health benefit. The health researchers suggest 30 minutes walk per day for fitness purpose. These few minutes will prevent diabetes,...
14 Funny Two Person Team Names
Just imagine you are travelling with your friend, feeling bore all the way or waiting for someone, in such situations you want to kill time, what will you do? Easiest way is to invite someone around...
10 Funny Red Pink Team Names
Among all colors red is always prominent, enthusiastic and warm in nature. It is mostly associated with revolution, passion and fire. Many countries have used red color in their flag because it shows...
12 Funny Ultimate Frisbee Team Names
As the name show this game is played with round disc plate called Frisbee. The game is played between two teams and each team consists of seven players. A court is used usually but it can be played in...
8 Funny Tough Mudder Team Names
Tough mudder is a physical training course. Each player will have to cover 10-12 miles distance on hills, mud and water. The player use ropes, climb walls, cross fire and bear electric shocks. Make...
10 Funny Triathlon Team Names
Tri means three and the name of this sport shows that it consists of swimming, cycling and running. Initially, it was supported by local clubs, later it became a part of international sports. ...
15 Funny Tennis Team Names
There are many types of this sport, lawn tennis, court tennis, two player opposing and double player tennis. It has been played in Britain since many centuries. It is very popular all over the world...
11 Funny Ragnar Team Names
Ragnar is distance running sports. In this team game the players are encouraged by all team members for good performance. For this race, manage a group of friends or people around you and divide them...